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Women Artists in Brazilian Modernism


To celebrate the 99th anniversary of the Modern Art Week, the Artists Latinas project presents the MINI-COURSE AND CYCLE OF DEBATES: WOMEN ARTISTS IN BRAZILIAN MODERNISM, discussing the role of modernist women in the process of building the different phases of the modernist movement in Brazil. The course will be an answer to the question: After all, who are the Brazilian modernist artists?

Class 1

class 2

class 3


Professor and Researcher:  Isabel Carvalho

General curatorship: Paulo Farias

Executive producer: Marianna Botelho

Production Intern: Ketelen Luiza

Image capture and editing: Revès Produções

This project was awarded the Arte & Escola award, using resources from the Aldir Blanc Law. The award was organized by the Municipal Secretary of Culture of Rio de Janeiro, linked to the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, in partnership with the Special Secretary of Culture, the Ministry of Tourism and the Federal Government.

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