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 About the project 

Created in 2019 as a platform for education and dissemination in visual arts, the Artists Latinas project has been developing different activities in recent years to achieve its main goal: to rewrite the history of art from the perspective of Latin American women artists.

In this way, we seek to create a terrain of cultural connections, bringing visibility to these artists, showing the diversity and possibilities in the field of visual arts created in our continent, bringing information in an accessible, horizontal and free way.

Through projects and discussions, we work on several urgent themes, such as motherhood, periphery perspectives, displacement and decentralization of Latin American urban axes.

The project has a website where visitors can access the work of more than 150 artists from 10 different countries, in addition to more than 20 hours of educational content and virtual exhibitions. In addition, we have an Instagram profile, which is fed daily with content created and selected especially for our audience.


missão, visão e valores


Fomentar uma história da arte mais equitativa e inclusiva, a partir da difusão, do acervo e da educação, reescrevendo seu conteúdo a partir da visão de mundo das mulheres artistas visuais latinoamericanas.



Ser reconhecida como uma Instituição de referência na temática abordada, com ações sempre pautada em um trabalho ético, responsável e de qualidade.





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